This is Mahmood's bit for preserving the Indian poster art. Fresh from the success of her debut line 'High on Chai' in 2008, it was a cup of chai with friend, and now business partner, Raul Chandra that gave birth to designer Nida Mahmood's current line and obsession New India Bioscope Company.Īs the name suggests, it has to do with Bollywood. Poster art is reinventing the idea of Indian kitsch. It's to find that rare Ramsay Brothers' Khooni Darwaza poster, as a conversation starter that is. Though it depends on what do you want the poster for? If it's just as a talking point - you will be surprised the course of conversation a Rajesh Khanna's Red Rose poster can start - then a fake is not your prime worry. Collectors say that for every genuine poster there are 10 fakes, making it impossible to check for them. The value rises if the printer has shut shop. Check for the printer (at the bottom of the poster), the painter, if it's just a reprint and the brush strokes, familiarise yourself with the work of that era before buying the poster. "As a serious collector, it's you who has to do the due diligence," he says.

Anand says, it's probably because poster art is easier to recreate. Anand agrees saying that he can look at a poster and tell you the year and the era of the film.īut for the untrained, there are a lot of fakes floating.
Each individual vintage Bollywood movie poster represents a forgotten era in Indian cinema and most importantly, in Bollywood movie poster culture. "For collectors and aficionados it's purchasing a piece of rare Indian cinematic legacy," Jethwani says. Since the posters are rare, the starting price is Rs 10,000. Selling online are likes of Ramona Singh of who sells original 1940s posters of mythological movies and Fearless Nadia. In the next quarter, the site will have close to 5,000 Bollywood memorabilia items for sale, with prices starting at Rs 1,500. Jethwani, who's currently looking at setting up a retail space for Indian Hippy in one of Mumbai's tony malls, plans to build up the largest online platform for selling Bollywood posters through. It's this unique old-world charm that has led to their demand in home and commercial dृcor space. "If you look at hand-painted posters from a global perspective, poster art stands in its own identity, it doesn't have a parallel anywhere else in the world," he says. For online entrepreneur Hinesh Jetwani, founder and head of brands Indian Hippy and, film poster art is a larger than life depiction - synonymous to the stuff that our movies are made of. But it's the original poster which remains in great demand. Nor do we provide warranty that such content will be accurate, complete or up-to-date.While Mahmood has made her own range of wall art using the posters as the centrepiece, artists like Sharmistha Roy have used posters in digital art - all to good response. Views or opinions of the various authors or content shared and distributed on the Cinemaazi website and/or the Cinemaazi Platforms are solely those of the specified author and does not necessarily represent the views of Indian Cinema Heritage Foundation or Cinemaazi. Any discrepancy in information may please be brought to the notice of Indian Cinema Heritage Foundation by writing on with evidence in support. We will not be responsible for any loss or prejudice caused to anyone on account of inaccuracy of information. Indian Cinema Heritage Foundation does not make any specific promises about their accuracy. While due care is taken in making fact check and ascertaining accuracy of the content, there is likelihood of errors creeping in due to absence of credible sources available in our resources to verify with certainty.

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